Friday, December 09, 2005

A Day At Kinko...

What's up my Peoples...Mr.Gee Rocc here. It has been A good min. since i've Blog, i am not sure if i'll be able to continue for the next few days But I'll do my Best for what it's worth...Back some where in Oct. I was making my rounds...Kinko's to me is like Star Buck...You get what you need. Anyway normally when I stop by, I make my copies And jet! But this time around I stuck around Because I met this cool artist...I like his work so I dictated to do this sample page here...Now as I, once said I, don't like Art going to waste...And being that the Internet is so cool...The piece won't go unnotice...I've also been checking out other Blogs which I have book mark...I know it seems that the subject tobe abit stale for the moment but Inking...Graffiti art...Are the only things am really concern with. I do have a couple of projects I am working on which I can't discuss at least not yet...However It is some thing dear to my Heart...And hopefully Reporters And other F#@!ers will stop saying Graffiti so called Art.


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