Saturday, October 29, 2005

O.K Not much to report yet...The whole Bloging thing is new to me so, am trying to make it interesting being that at the moment my life is boring...So for those's who do know about my Blog enjoy my Post...This here is a, piece done by. Yes2...I for one would love to see more Graff Inkers other then myself like I, said befor am trying to set a, trend


Friday, October 28, 2005

The name is G-I am a, Graffiti Artist-Inker...Some of yall know me.Some do not.The purpose of this Blog. is to set some trends...Rock some Burners And Express my like's -dislike's on Comics And, Hip-Hop...So to set this off here is A, MF Doom piece I, Ink pencil by. Micah